Pet sitting | Dog Walking

Serving Georgetown, TX


Tips for choosing healthy dog food

When it comes to finding the healthiest and tastiest dog food, I have found that a little research goes a long way. After all, we want our pets to remain healthy, strong, and happy for as long as possible. In today’s popular grocery markets, there is a plethora of dog foods, from various manufacturers, which features a healthy dog running across a yard with titles like “100% natural” or “fortified with the nutrition your dog needs”. The challenge is, however [Read more…]

Tips for choosing healthy cat food


My cat, Velvet

As a cat owner myself, I know how incredibly important our cat’s health is. This is why I have written this week’s blog on feline nutrition, along with some tips and suggestions for your cat’s well being. Below are some pointers for your furry friend: [Read more…]

A fun adventure with your dog!


Bark Park, Georgetown

Georgetown’s Bark Park is a personal favorite of mine. It’s beautiful, the people and dogs are friendly and it’s close! It has huge trees, providing shade as you sit and watch your dog. Shade is important for dogs that need to take a break and cool off a bit during the intense summer heat. There are also water fountains for the dogs, as well as their owners, and you’ll find that these are usually kept clean.  Feel free to bring a ball or frisbee from home if your dog likes to fetch!

Another great dog park that I recommend [Read more…]